SUBU Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sarıbıyık visits İHA team VEC-HÜR and YAZEM, and says ‘The goals are high in TEKNOFEST 2021’ and emphasizes ‘The students are equipped with vital skills about software’.
Sakarya University of Applied Sciences (SUBU) Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sarıbıyık visits team VEC-HÜR, preparing for category of unmanned air vehicle in TEKNOFEST, and Artificial Intelligent and Data Science Applied and Research Center (YAZEM), in which the educations for those demanding are continued. The Rector Prof. Dr. Sarbıyık states that although theoretical training is provided from distance, students continue their training by coming to the university, and says “This situation shows that we can instill the importance of practice into our students. Success comes with both determination and regular studying. Our students are aware of that."